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Almost ten years ago, in Spring , I supervised a thesis written by Micha Schimmel simply called Bitcoin. A year later Joeri de Leeuw wrote From cash to virtual currency. If you want to understand something, write about it.

Наталья Водянова

Дневник написан в конце июля года. Возраст: 28 лет. Город: с года — Москва.

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It was definitely tiring, we trained quite hard for this and it was super tiring, but it was a good fight. I think Natalie and third-placed winner Wu Jingyu did super well also. It feels good that it was an all-Singaporean final and there was so much support. We worked quite hard for this, especially the Refract team who made this all possible in the first place with their system. The four-day festival showcased the very best of virtual sports with technology exhibitions, show matches, an Education Forum where industry leaders joined panel discussions, and the first live finals of the Olympic Esports Series.

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